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- NickVenturella.com 9-30-22 - Mind your transition calories
NickVenturella.com 9-30-22 - Mind your transition calories
Mind your transition calories

Okay, now that my kid’s (and educator wife’s) school years are underway, I feel I’ve fully transitioned into our family’s “school year” routines.
Transitions can be stressful. AKA - change is hard.
However, change is inevitable. In fact, that’s probably the one thing in life that is most predictable (besides death and taxes - Bad joke? Too soon? Okay).
Let’s break down why change is often difficult, or at the least, stressful.
If you haven’t read Charles Duhigg’s book about habits, I recommend it. That book will provide a ton of depth regarding what I’m about to share…
Our brains take a lot of energy (calories that need to be burned) to think through various actions we, as humans, need to take everyday.
Our brains are, in many ways, designed to find the most efficient path forward in terms of saving caloric energy.
Thus, when our brains begin to recognize patterns in our actions in life, the brain stores those procedures to allow it to operate those tasks on automatic pilot, which saves energy (exhausts fewer calories). Enter: Habits.
When our brains are forced to change our habits due to life circumstances changing, the brain has to exhaust more caloric energy to work through the new procedure. That is, until that new procedure becomes a pattern that the brain can more efficiently automate (the formation of a new habit).
That burst of caloric energy spent, changing from one procedure to another, is where we often feel stress. It’s this process of “working through the unknown until it’s known.”
Like anything that you’ve attempted for the first time, or in a long while, you will initially move through it more slowly than you will after you’ve completed that procedure several times.
The point is, when transitions occur and you feel yourself getting stressed just know that it’s temporary, and once the unknown is known, it will get easier.
I'm working on some new guitar builds(keep that in mind regarding unique holiday gift ideas for those you care about)check out the nickVguitars Etsy shop to see what's currently available.Hit reply or reach out through the nickVguitars site as I'm beginning to take on commissioned guitar builds. I have two in the works already.----------Stay tuned for a new song called, "Nowhere to Fall"to be released on all major streaming platforms in Oct. 2022.
Stay positive. Stay healthy. Be kind.Sincerely,Nick VenturellaCreative Professional, andco-founder of Eleven Music Career CenterNickVenturella.comnickVmusic.netGeminisRival.comnickVguitars.comFacebookYouTube