9-2-20 - Choose Your Network Effect

Choose Your Network Effect

What are you grateful for today?  Right now?If you can’t think of anything, please take a moment to come up with something before reading further. It’s okay. I’ll wait.Now, have you let someone, anyone, who may be directly involved with what you’re grateful for, know that you appreciate their help, gesture, work, service, insight?Why is it important?Because it lifts people up. It lifts their spirits and in a reciprocal fashion, it ends up lifting your spirits whether you consciously think about it or not.This action can also create a positive network effect that encourages others who have been thanked to pay that gesture forward.While it may seem subtle, the daisy chain reach of such a small action can have an unimaginably immense and positive impact…and it costs nothing!You don’t have to take my word for it, read what the Harvard Business Review has to say about it.When you thank people, you’re relating to the basic human emotional need for recognition, empathy, acceptance, and respect – this idea of “Sawubona,” which is the African Zulu greeting that means, I see you; I respect you for your individual personality and humanity; I value you.The success you have in this life starts with you and the choices you make. You can positively invest in yourself and others or not. Choose wisely, and……be excellent to each other! (a timely Bill & Ted movie quote)

Stay positive. Stay healthy. Be kind.Sincerely,Nick VenturellaCreative Professional, andco-founder of Eleven Music Career CenterNickVenturella.comnickVmusic.netFacebookYouTubePatreon