
Identify an Energizing Activity

Happy midweek. I wanted to first off, thank everyone who came out to the Fisher King Winery music performance I put on last Friday night. It was a great time. I wanted to reiterate something about these newsletters… These newsletters are geared toward helping you cope with, and positively move forward, in spite of our common human condition (resistance of life), so you can be better and approach your passions more. For me, music and other forms of creative, communicative expression help to provide the solace I need to be a better version of myself everyday, so I often talk about that and share those things with you… But how about you?  What helps you get at least 1% better at being you everyday? Hit reply and let me know. I am truly interested. And if you don’t feel like you’ve identified something in your life that is a positive outlet, try identifying at least one area of interest that you’ve been able to lose track of time being involved in (maybe you have to think back to activities you engaged in as a child).If that activity made you feel more energized than when you started, you may want to make time to engage in that activity at least once or twice a week to start with.  Give it a couple of weeks and see how you feel.You’ll know the activity is worth pursuing further, and perhaps more often, if you find your stress level has gone down, you feel more calm in situations that used to make you anxious and you’re sleeping better because your mind has had an opportunity to engage in an ideal activity for your well-being.The activity doesn’t even have to be creative. Maybe you like taking walks or going on nature hikes. A 15 minute walk around your neighborhood could be a starting point.The idea is to identify a positive activity, take action on it and pay attention to how it helps you in other aspects of your life – rinse and repeat, or experiment with a different activity until you find what works for you.Things to try and think about.Have a great rest of your week!Sincerely,Nick Venturella also (cover band)