8-29-19 - Making Time for Creative Play

Making Time for Creative Play

I'm starting to feel a familiar feeling of creative overwhelm. I'm not really sure if that's what to call it, but it's this feeling of having several creative ideas and not having adequate time -- between family, day-to-day responsibilities, and work -- to sit and explore them in a way that can release them from my brain.Does this happen to you?Because so often I have to prioritize what I focus my time on each day to be productive towards certain objectives like, work, that it becomes hard to justify prioritizing time for creative brainstorming that seemingly doesn't have more of an objective than creative play and exploration.This becomes an internal struggle for me. Can you relate?Some of the ideas that come out of such creative brainstorms might turn into larger objectives that can even be monetized moving them into the realm of having another function beyond fun creative play.However, those brainstorms don't often start out that way, and without a clear objective the analytical side of my brain wants to justify the purpose of spending that "free" time on creative play.In my heart of hearts I know that's silly -- creative play is more than worth building time in one's schedule for.I think part of where that comes from is knowing that I have several other tasks and responsibilities in my daily schedule that have to get done to ensure I'm making a living, paying bills, etc., and the creative play isn't necessarily going to take care of those least not immediately......and that's why it's a silly internal struggle...Every positive success in my life has been an evolution of creative ideas that came out of spending time to explore thoughts, emotions, and innovative strategies without knowing exactly where they would go initially. I just think that now, as an adult with more responsibilities on my plate, building in the time for creative play is the real struggle, not deciding whether it's a good idea -- it's always a good idea! 

***Upcoming Events / UpdatesEleven Music Career Center's next Madison Musicians Networking Happy Hourin the Brix Events space30 W. Mifflin Street (10th floor) Madison, WITuesday September 10, 20195pm - 8pmNick Venturella music performances:The Steaming Cup340 W. Main St,Waukesha, WISaturday August 17, 20197pm - 9pmThe Cider Farm's Cidery and Tasting Room8216 Watts Rd. Madison, WI  53719Madison, WIFriday September 13, 20195:30pm - 7:30pmYahara Bay Distillers6250 Nesbitt RoadFitchburg, WI 53719Friday November 22, 20197:30pm - 9:30pm

Sincerely,Nick VenturellaCreative