
Who is your mentor

Hi ,who is your mentor?Do you have one?Of people who are professionally where you want to be, who do you know, or who can you find to be your mentor?A mentor is someone who has already ventured down a path that is similar to where you want to go (or exactly where you want to go), and they've survived and likely had some level of success. The bottom line is, they have the kind of experience that can provide you insight as you navigate your journey.  Plus, the fact that they have made it through the stage you're currently at, offers credibility, so you trust them.It's important to have encouragement and support for what you're pursuing (that's invaluable), but having a mentor -- someone who has already experienced, and can relate to, what you're currently going through -- is a different kind of invaluable.It's so invaluable is because your mentor is helping you look into the future.  Your mentor helps represent hope and knowing that success is on the other side of the hard work you're currently putting in. Your mentor is a living proof of the success path you want and that you know is possible.  That helps keep you motivated to continue when things are tough.That last know, when things get tough, that's where having more than just the support of loved ones comes in.  A mentor can personally relate and that's in part why you trust them to help hold you accountable to do the tough work and fight through the resistance.The truth is, even if you're a solo-preneur you will go further, faster and be better when you don't try to go it alone.I have certainly failed in many endeavors simply because I chose to go it alone -- truly alone, and that just doesn't usually work.Now, I'm not saying that if you're a solo-preneur that you have to take on a partner, but likely you work with other vendors, ancillary service providers, all of whom play a part in the success of your business.My point is, find ways to ensure you don't have to go it alone, and it will aid your success. Having a mentor who is beyond where you currently are is often ideal, but simply recognizing those who help you and engaging them further can benefit you, and often them (reference to last Sunday's newsletter).And if you don't feel like you have anyone, know that you have me., for whatever that may be worth to you.  I'm glad you're here!

   P.S. Limited time sale on Nick Venturella's latest music album, Light of Mourning.   Get the digital album pack - 12 songs, eLiner notes and an interview with the artist for $3.99 (sale ends Midnight Monday August 25, 2014).