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- NickVenturella.com 8-19-22 - After your best let go
NickVenturella.com 8-19-22 - After your best let go
After your best let go

These last two weeks have been busy and overwhelming. It’s been several unexpected hurdles, one after the other, primarily regarding work projects.However, stack on top of that getting kids ready for the new school year (as well as my educator wife) and everyone’s attention is being pulled in a few too many directions at once.Perhaps your week was similar? Hit reply and tell me about it.I find that I’m getting anxious about what needs to be done and when.I’m trying to remember to simply do what I can do, give it my best, and let go of too many expectations about the outcome — things are going to be what they’re going to be. I will simply do my best with what I can influence and control and that’s about all I can do. No use getting too anxious about other things I can’t control.
nickVguitars has a basic website now. You can even inquire about a custom commissioned guitar built just for you.Got a really nice review from someone who bought their second guitar from my Etsy shop:
Upcoming music performances:Deerfield Church FestivalFiremen’s Park5 Park Dr. Deerfield, WI.(One block off of Main Street in the middle of town)Sat. August 20, 202212pm - 1:30pmSchuster's FarmDeerfield, WISat. Sept 17, 20222 - 4pm
Stay positive. Stay healthy. Be kind.Sincerely,Nick VenturellaCreative Professional, andco-founder of Eleven Music Career CenterNickVenturella.comnickVmusic.netGeminisRival.comnickVguitars.comFacebookYouTube