Help Yourself to Help Others



I opened my eyes as my body shook awake. 

For a split second I forgot where I was. 

I glanced at the flight attendant who didn’t seem rattled, so I assumed we just hit a pocket of rough air. 

The whole plane shook. I would have ended up on the floor had it not been for my seatbelt. 

Suddenly, in unison, rubber spiders fell from the ceiling, like a bad prank to scare everyone. They weren’t fake spiders. They were oxygen masks. This was real.  

I vaguely recalled the pre-flight training, “be sure to put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others…” 

Then I woke up. 

It was a dream. 

My heart was racing, but I was grateful to be in my own bed. Thank goodness.


I’ve started reading the book, Soul Boom by Rainn Wilson (affiliate). Definitely recommend it. In a nutshell, it’s about improving your own personal spirituality and helping others recognize the importance of positive spirituality and kindness to improve humankind.

What’s been interesting for me personally as I read it is the validation of what my intention of this newsletter is: an attempt, in a small way, to help you invest in your own self-awareness to make positive improvements that puts you in a position to positively impact others.

The idea is that we have to walk our own journey as we walk along with others (fellow humans), but both journeys (your own and that of others you’re traveling with) are intertwined; interdependent even.

If you’re not good to yourself, your impact on others will likely be negative as well. 

For example: someone gets drunk and gets behind the wheel of a car – they’re not being good to themselves and because of their actions, while intoxicated, they’ve endangered others’ lives.

Give yourself grace. Take a step back to provide yourself space to acknowledge that you’re human – flawed – and dealing with the same human condition as the rest of us. Then choose to put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others.

Improvement over who you were yesterday is worthwhile improvement that allows you to have a more positive impact on those around you.

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The Unicorn Guitar



Stay positive. Stay healthy. Be kind.


Nick VenturellaStrategic/Creative Professional