
What are you hiding behind?

Hi , I read Seth Godin's book Poke the Box last night.  There was a passage that stood out to me where Godin talks about a spectrum that goes from under-starting to something he calls, hyper-go (actually it's written without the hyphen, hypergo).On the under-starting end of the spectrum people choose not to get started on their dreams, desires, Tiny Career, or what have you.  In many cases it's an paralysis by analysis situation.  Usually, there is some sort of fear behind this.  Perhaps, by remaining in the creating and planning stages of what you want to achieve/accomplish is safer, easier and less risky than actually taking action to start actually achieving your goals.The flip side is true too, and this is what seemed to resonate with me personally.  Godin referred to the other end of the spectrum as hypergo.  Hypergo is the when someone constantly has new projects and ideas and actually takes action, but the action is so short term and short lived that not enough action or time has been invested to actually show reasonable results.In this scenario a person is going, and going at a hyper rate.  Always beginning a new project, but always frustrated when there are not immediate, desirable results.Hypergo is also rooted in fear.  Fear of having to actually be accountable for the the actions and potentially the success you might create upon taking the right kind of action over a reasonable length of time that would allow things to germinate and produce results.There is really no risk of failure or success if the idea can never really get off the ground.  I've allowed myself to fall victim to hypergo more than I'd like to admit...not with everything, but a good many things/projects.The bottom line is that finding a balance somewhere in the middle of the under-starting and hypergo spectrum is likely the best first step toward being able to take the right kind of action, consistently to experience reasonable results over time.  Discipline and focus will help too.Hit reply and share where you're at on this action-taking spectrum.  There's no shame in it, the idea is to encourage each other positively to take action toward your goals and minimize your fears (of failure and/or success). Thanks,Nick