
What are your ideas worth?

If you're anything like me you love to ponder new ideas.

Ideas for new creative projects, entrepreneurial endeavors, ways to get my kids to bed at night at a reasonable hour (I'm only half kidding about that last one).

Seriously, though, getting into the habit of regularly jotting down ideas that you could eventually use or you could pass on to others, if you know they're not really in your own wheelhouse, keeps your creative muscle in shape.


often writes about the importance of generating ideas. In fact, his daily practice is to write at least 10 new ideas a day.

Over a few months, over a year or two years, the amount of ideas really add up.

Ideas are a form of currency.

They can lead to a breakthrough creative project like, an artwork, or music album.

They can lead to entrepreneurial windfalls like, a useful service for other businesses or a software application.

They can simply be a door opener to connect and build useful relationships like, sharing an idea you had for a company you would like to work for -- who knows, sharing it could open the door to your dream job.

The point is, there are gems in the ideas you generate. Plus, if you generate enough of them your odds of having a few great ideas dramatically increases.

However, ideas are only as good as their execution. If you never execute on any of your great ideas you will never know their potential.

If you realize you can't or won't execute on one of your ideas, give it away, use it as leverage to build relationships with others who have the means to execute it.

If you follow, author/marketer

he talks about execution being everything.

Start generating ideas. Especially, if you've been feeling in a rut lately, creating the habit of regular idea generation just may spark a solution out of your rut.

Have a great week!