
Advance by Getting Back to Basics

Hello there. I hope you're having a great day already.

Before I get too far along here, I need to acknowledge today as being significant and really the significance of the month of June...

First off, today my wife and I celebrate 12 years and counting of being married! She's awesome. She really is my better half. I would do it all again the same way if I had the chance.

Next, our two boys' birthdays are in the month of June -- son #1 turned 7 and son #2 turned 1.

Now that we have that out of the way, here are the 2 reasons I share this with you:

  1. Building meaningful relationships with friends, family, customers and/or prospects means sharing who you are and what's important in your life so those whom you're trying to connect with can get to know you...and realize you're human. (Pro tip:  Choose to be human in your interactions with others. Doing so will help others recognize that you're not that different from them...that you care about the same kinds of things they care about -- family life, health and well-being, balance between work and play, etc. These human qualities are endearing to other humans. It allows us to relate to one another on the topic of our shared human condition. This allows you to build deeper connections with others, including your customers and prospects, in a way that feels real and humane -- because it is -- instead of being fake and transactional. Being human is good for business!)

  2. It's important to reflect on your life with gratitude for the many positive people, events, things, etc. you have in your life. Yes, there are likely some negative things happening in your life right now, but when you choose to be grateful for the positive things it helps alter your mindset toward being positive, which helps you handle stress, and take action that can result in more positive things happening in your life, now and in the future. (Pro tip:  That's how people who have "good luck" all the time, have that good luck -- they reflect, are grateful and iterate on being positive and taking positive action toward their ideal vision. Then they rinse/repeat and eventually seem to have "good luck" all the time. The truth is, you can too.)

That's it for today. As always, hit reply and let me know what's going on in your life, business and/or creative endeavors, I'm always curious and interested in you.

I'm grateful for the time you choose to spend with me here!

Have a great week!