
The Cycle of Expanding and Contracting

First off, happy belated father's day!

My newsletter is coming to you today instead of the normal Sunday distribution (yesterday) because I spent time with my family for father's day. It was a great time.

I hope you did something fun, too.

That said, I did write some thoughts late last night that I scheduled to arrive in your inbox this morning (now).

Here it is...

My thoughts, creative endeavors, professional and entrepreneurial pursuits, are constantly expanding and contracting in my life.

Do you feel this too?

For me, I start to explore all sorts of new ideas – creative/artistic ideas and business ideas alike.

I convince myself that whatever I’m pursuing is THE thing for me, and eventually it will be the only thing I concentrate on and/or do…or at least I hope I can get to a point where I’m only concentrating on one creative or entrepreneurial pursuit.

Unfortunately, I never get to the desired simplicity of only one thing…perhaps, I’m just not capable of it.

However, after some amount of time I begin to shed some of the pursuits I had been exploring, or at least let them go dormant for the moment, and my focus begins to contract again to the core creative and entrepreneurial endeavors to which I always seem to come back. 

Those core endeavors are:

  • excelling at my advocate marketing day job;

  • writing, producing, performing music; and

  • serving my freelance marketing clients.

As my thoughts expand, some of those new pursuits stick, many do not.

As I reflect on these inevitable personal cycles, trends about myself and the way I operate emerge.

I will say though, the expansion of thoughts and pursuits always teaches me new things about my interests, about different subjects and about myself that allow me to enhance and strengthen what I'm doing in my core endeavors. 

Perhaps, the expansion of my curiosity and need to be inspired by new things is the spark my core endeavors need to help keep me perfecting and pursuing those core things?

...Like a way to help me spread my wings emotionally, creatively and intellectually to keep inspired enough to then contract my thinking back to focusing my core endeavors, which actually promotes my growth in those core areas.

Does this make sense to you?

What have you noticed about your own way of operating and staying curious?  Hit reply and let me know. I love to learn how others think.

Have a great week!