
Memorial Day and Reflecting on Your Annual Goals

In honor of Memorial Day yesterday, I just want to thank the veterans who served our country and sacrificed themselves for the many freedoms we have. I hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend. My family and I enjoyed the nice weather that came to visit us by spending a lot of time outdoors.


Not a huge newsletter this week with the holiday and all, however, I did want to leave you pondering your actions toward meeting your goals this year.If you remember way back to January of this year we talked about setting goals vs. resolutions.Well, we’re nearing the half-way point in the year. That’s often a good time to review your annual goals and examine what progress you’ve made, how much you progress you have left to make and/or if your goals should change and evolve as you have likely grown already in this last 6 months.I urge you to take some time and reflect on where you’re at with what you want to accomplish this year. If you’re not about halfway to your goal by now, then think about what you can do to accelerate your progress.Or, in some cases circumstances change and the goal is no longer realistic in its current state – then change it and make a plan of action to accomplish it…it’s your goal you can do that. I promise.Have a great week!