
Always Keep Learning

Many who know me, know that I began a new full-time gig in the last couple of months. I'm really enjoying this opportunity. I get to use my creative abilities and technological acumen to do more advocate marketing, or what I call marketing with a soul.Google 'advocate marketing' and you'll see what I mean.It's the kind of work I can lose myself in, yet I'm constantly being challenged to learn and get better at this aspect of relationship building (aka marketing and communications).I share this because this transition to something new has allowed me to articulate something about myself.For years I have worked full-time and also run my entrepreneurial endeavors simultaneously. At this point in my career, they're symbiotic. In most ways, I need to thrive in one to thrive in the other.Here's what I mean.  I personally, like collaboration and working as part of a larger team that is assigned, and expected to achieve, some pretty big goals each year.  That's what I get from my full-time work.I also have an ambitious, insatiable entrepreneurial spirit. Most of my entrepreneurial pursuits are me working as a solo-preneur with internet technologies as my 'partners' or 'collaborators' to accomplish the goals I've set for myself.Sometimes I get awesome ideas that work in my own entrepreneurial business that I think could be scaled up and work at my full-time gig with the help of a larger team to benefit my employer.Likewise, I get exposure to all sorts of ideas and technologies in my full-time work that inspires me to consider how to scale-down some of those ideas to help the, primarily small businesses, I work with in my entrepreneurial endeavors.This is why having success in one area (full-time work or entrepreneurial work) usually creates success in the other.I'm always interested in having a good relationship with myself to continually learn how to operate optimally. If I take care of myself in this way, I've found that it allows me to be more effective in helping others.What have you recently learned about yourself that was an "aha" moment? Hit reply and let me know.

Have a great week!