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- NickVenturella.com 4-15-23 - Affirm yourself
NickVenturella.com 4-15-23 - Affirm yourself
Affirm yourself

It’s important to keep your self-esteem up on a regular basis.We are bombarded with so many challenges, trials, and tribulations from every direction, every single day. It’s easy to eventually break down and let that stuff get to you to the point that you feel like forward progress is no longer an option.
I’m here to tell you, it’s always an option. Sometimes you just have to bolster yourself to build the muscle memory required to forge ahead.
Below are 5 daily affirmations I’ve come up with that can help.The idea is to read through them daily to help engrain them into your conscious and subconscious thoughts, so that it becomes a positive, rote habit to exercise them. Use these affirmations, modify them, make them your own, but definitely help yourself by affirming yourself.
5 affirmations:
Imposter syndrome is real, BUT everyone is an imposter, we’re all just making it up as we go. Seriously, there may be some paved paths in life, but everyone has to journey them in their own unique way, which means you're never going to do it the way someone else has done it, and no one else will do it quite the same way as you.
Very, very few things in most peoples' work are actual life and death situations (save for those in certain professions that help people in life and death situations), even though you may trick yourself into thinking they are serious life or death scenarios, or be made to feel that way from others at work — I assure you they’re not. Do your best to maintain perspective.
Do all you can to do your best with what you have to work with and release yourself from self-imposed or external expectations beyond that. Whatever is going to be, is going to be. You can only control what happened prior to that, and how you approach the next thing.
Remember, every time you are admiring someone else’s success and feeling bad you’re not there yet, there is likely someone admiring your current state of success and wishing they had that. Be grateful for your current lot in life. It may not feel like a lot, but it’s often more than many others. I’m not suggesting curbing your ambitions, but keep them in check by grounding them in gratitude.
Value the relationships of people you care about in your life like family and close friends. Time with them as well as your own feelings of self worth are more important than any job or money. You can always find different ways to earn money. You can't replace your loved ones.
----------Updates----------upcoming Madison, WI-area live music performancesMore shows are in the works, stay tuned.Lone Girl Brewing CompanyWaunakee, WISun. July 16, 20233 - 5pm----------
Stay positive. Stay healthy. Be kind.Sincerely,Nick VenturellaStrategic/Creative ProfessionalNickVenturella.com