
Spring Momentum

Happy Easter, to those of you who celebrate Easter. If not, happy Sunday!

Even though, in Wisconsin where I live, we recently had rain, sleet and snow (it all cleared up pretty quickly), spring is moving in.

Spring brings a fresh start and new life (kind of the main message of Easter too). That feeling has the power to inspire you. As a result, your enthusiastic inspiration can be contagious (in a good way).

There's momentum in that feeling. How do you plan to take advantage of it?

Maybe you get up a half hour earlier in the morning just to have some time to journal and exercise your creative muscle.

Maybe you start physically exercising by taking a 20 minute walk on your lunch hour.

Maybe you simply use that positive feeling to finally connect those people in your network who you think would really benefit from being introduced to one've been thinking about it for a while, but just haven't taken any action.

(Speaking of, I've been listening to

. Let me connect you to his music -- it's worth your time.)

The above are just ideas. However, I can tell you from experience that rolling with the positive vibes spring brings by doing something new or giving yourself permission to start fresh will help you feel good and take the kind of action you need to reach your goals.

For me, I'm rolling with the momentum by working out a bit more and taking the time to exercise my creative muscle more so I can work on new music for a new album project.

Hit reply and tell me about how you plan to take advantage of your spring momentum.

Make it a great week!