
Opportunity Mindset

How do you handle transition? ...really, I mean, how do you handle change?

It can be scary. This is mainly because you're dealing with anxiety of the unknown.

When we're presented with change we don't know exactly what outcome the change will bring, or what the journey through the change will be like. What we know is it will be different from our current known routine. Thus, it causes anxiety.

Some level of that anxiety is normal -- it's human nature.  Humans don't typically like surprises.

However, focusing your mindset on the opportunity the change presents will help to ensure the change becomes a true opportunity.

Every change in life is an opportunity. It comes with choices. You can either fight the change and long for the status quo (that's a growth limiter in my opinion) or embrace it and see what good can come from it (embracing change can be a growth accelerator).

Here's an old saying that I really like: If you think you can, you will. If you think you can't, you won't. Either way you're right.

Personally, I'm opening a new chapter in my career as of late. I just recently took on a new full-time job where I am helping an HR software company to connect current customers to each other and to thought leadership opportunities that benefit those individuals and their day-to-day roles within their organization's.

Essentially, the idea is to propel the customer's success -- both their company and the individual we work with in that organization. It's all about making the customer successful regardless of exactly how that benefits the organization of which I'm affiliated.

It's truly give-before-you-get marketing...totally in line with my personal beliefs and mindset around building relationships.

Changing jobs is always a bit scary and nerve-wracking, but I could see the potential in the role for my own success, my family's and certainly the company I'm now working for. It was an opportunity, and my mindset allowed me to quickly move past the anxiety to the possibilities.

That's what I want for all of you -- to be able to view new changes as a set of positive possibilities. This is done by embracing a growth mindset where change and failures are nothing more than iterations toward the next positive outcome.

I can't wait to share more about how I'm embracing this change and how it's opened my mind to some new ideas about how I approach my web presences, my creative interests and endeavors and how I interact with you, in a way that will hopefully benefit you.

Be open, be positive, embrace change with a growth mindset. 

Thank you for being a part of my newsletter. I'm glad you're here!

Hit reply and tell me about a recent change that you turned into an opportunity.

Make it a great week!