
Leaders Use Communication to Build Positive Relationships

Perhaps your mental energy and sense of self is like my own...I often expand my thinking and creative pursuits in multiple directions, get overwhelmed because I can’t possibly accomplish all of them by tomorrow like I want, and resign myself to let go of project ideas (at least for a while) to focus more clearly on the fundamentals that I know will lead to good creative things.As a result of contracting my focus again I feel less mentally stretched across too many projects. Thus, the overwhelm subsides (for awhile).Every time this cycle happens, I’m getting better at recognizing it and dealing with it in a positive and constructive way -- essentially to use it to my advantage vs. allowing it to push me into a creative slump where I’m paralyzed by the overwhelm.In this round, I’m getting back to focusing on music playing and creation, and by doing so I’m choosing to be a creative leader. (That creative leadership part is important because I think it has wide appeal that can benefit you too!)I’ve realized that most of the really good things in my life have been a result of my staying focused on pursuing the arts -- honing my craft as an interdisciplinary creative professional (musician, writer and artist), and the various places I use those skills (my day job, my own endeavors, etc).And for me, the start of this kind of positive energy/focus, which I’ve experienced at various times of my life, started with my music playing/creation.I think this is because music helps me make sense of the world around me. You likely have a fundamental skill, craft or hobby that does something similar for you.Earlier this week it caused my personal journaling to get back to this idea I have that everything can be boiled down to communication and relationships.I create music -- a creative communication (a tool or vehicle, if you will) that I put out into the world -- people who hear it and identify with its musical and lyrical content begin to form the basis of a relationship with me based on a mutually reciprocated sense of empathy (or vulnerability), respect and trust...even if all of this is happening virtually.Because this initial relationship began out of creative communication (the vehicle driving the relationship), further communication -- with a reciprocated sense of empathy, respect and trust -- can continue to develop a deeper and deeper relationship.This is important for you too because even if you don’t think you’re a creative individual, everything you do and say communicates something to others. If you recognize that you can be creative in your communications to others to build positive relationships. This is helpful for leaders in an office at work, or a cook in a restaurant running a kitchen, or even in your home with your family.Understanding how to use the best tool in your arsenal, communication, allows you to positively influence how you build relationships with others. Doing so in genuine and creative ways, whether for artistic expression or to build a good sense of community at work, is you engaging in Creative Leadership.In that spirit, and because one of my goals this year is to try and help others I admire be successful, I wanted to share with you a project from my musician friend, Keith Hampton.Keith is getting back to his own musical foundation by exploring, covering and recording a selection of songs by known artists from the 1980’s.These are artists and songs that communicated something significant to Keith while he was growing up and beginning his professional music development.Over time Keith built a relationship with these songs and songwriters through listening to their work, and now Keith is exploring the result of that relationship publicly with his upcoming album, FOLLOWING.FOLLOWING takes Keith’s relationship with this music and turns it into something new...A new form of creative communication that is being shared with you to help create a new relationship between you and Keith, and perhaps rekindling the relationship you may have had yourself with the original artists of the songs on the FOLLOWING album.If you’re curious, or if you admire the artists he’s covering and like to hear creative interpretations of artist you know and love, then I encourage you to consider being a part of Keith’s community in support of him completing and sharing this album. Learn how you can directly support Keith’s album project, FOLLOWING

I'm honored you choose to receive my communications, which allows us to build an ongoing relationship (even if only virtual).Feel free to hit reply and make this relationship a two-way street.Have a great week!