
A little lightheartedness goes a long way

Why does lightheartedness come in handy in tough situations?

Well, to the best I can tell, it builds rapport, and with that rapport, even if it's brief, some level of trust builds.Earlier this today I was sitting on a plane for a return flight home from Insperity's National Sales & Marketing Convention in Houston, TX. The flight attendants were cheerful and entertaining right from the start. One in particular had a well-rehearsed witty wisecrack in just about every other sentence during her pre-flight procedural announcements.  This had everyone on the plane chuckling.Then the pilot comes on the loudspeaker and informs everyone that something needs to be looked at and fixed on the plane before we can take off.Delays are no fun, and this turned into a 2 hour delay. However, had the flight attendant staff not played out their entertaining pre-flight announcements as they did, I can guarantee the people on the plane would have voiced their disappointment more than they did.  The flight staff proceeded to provide refreshments as we waited, all the while doing so with their endearing warm and charismatic personalities.There was a connection.  The humor in the flight attendants' communication was used as the connection vehicle to gain attention and at least a little trust. In this situation it worked to their advantage to help diffuse an otherwise upset crowd. Do you actively think about the little rapport-building things you do in daily situations, at your job or in your business?  When you consciously think about those tactics how do they serve you?  How do those tactics positively or even negatively affect others, now that you're thinking about it?Being positive and lighthearted in little ways can have a big impact.  How might you get better at this when you interact with people one-on-one or online in social media?  Hit reply and let me know your thoughts.Thank you,

Nick Venturellawww.nickventurella.comwww.nickvmusic.netwww.growloop.comwww.tinycareer.comP.S.  Want help mastering social media?  Check out Chris Brogan's Social Media Mastery course (affiliate)