2-20-18 - Success by Process of Elimination

Success by Process of Elimination

It’s hard to figure out what you’re looking for when you’re seeking something seemingly intrinsic in your work, your passions, your hobbies or some combination of all of those.However, you know it when you find it (intuition tells you so).But how do you keep up such a search when you won’t know you’re on the right path until it just feels right?Process of elimination by trial and error.Others might call this failing fast, so you can learn from missteps to advance yourself in the next iteration.I don’t like the word failure, but rather appreciate the process of elimination. In other words, as you try new things, new approaches, etc. you take note of those things that seem to “fit” and shed those things that don’t.This is easier said than done, but if you constantly stay in tune with yourself, knowing yourself, knowing your organization (if that’s what you’re trying to benefit with your search), then you’ll be able to quickly determine what you don’t want.Here’s a personal, yet practical example of what I’m talking about.As a gigging musician, I took some time off from regularly performing when my first son was born (8 years ago) and then got back into it a bit.Then I went on hiatus again when my youngest son was born about 2 and a half years ago. In terms of the musical itch that I feel I need to scratch, 2+ years is an eternity.Needless to say, the boys are getting older and I’m working toward getting back into regularly performing again.In my “getting back,” I’m really distinguishing myself as a newer, or just slightly different (hopefully wiser), version of my former musical self. This is happening whether I want it to or not because time has passed from when I was regularly gigging last, and what worked then just won’t work quite the same way now.Everything is dynamic.The musical landscape has shifted a bit, I’ve sold off old equipment I had used and in navigating how I need to move forward toward my goal of booking and performing more consistently, I’m searching……searching for my new sound, searching for (and cultivating) new connections......searching for new inspiration to write current and meaningful new tunes......searching for a vibe and unique emotionally resonant method of approaching and delivering my music – a rhythm to how I can consistently provide the musical value that I believe my audience deserves...the value that only I can uniquely provide.Piece by piece, I’m buying and trying new equipment to discover my new sound, and taking that equipment back as I realize that’s not what I was looking for (process of elimination).I’m putting in the work to carve out regular practice time, so I can appropriately develop my craft. I’m working on reorganizing my studio space to ensure better flow for rehearsing and recording my music (trial and error).All in all, I’m taking action, which is the only way to discover whatever you’re searching for.Action will always teach you what you need to know to be successful in anything you choose to do.It doesn’t matter if that’s in music, or your specific area of interest, in your work life, or in your personal life, by getting the kind of experience that taking action provides, through the process of elimination, you will discover what works and what  doesn’t……What “feels right” and what doesn’t……The more experience you have building an understanding of what “feels right” the more you trust your intuition, which can help take your success to heights that only you could reach.Here’s to your success this week!