2-2-20 - How to figure out your path forward

How to figure out your path forward

It’s interesting, but with the first month of the new year in the books I have a sense of great momentum for this year.

The reason I feel this way is, for the first time in a long time I have a reasonable sense of direction at least for this calendar year in terms of what I want to accomplish professionally.

And I believe that’s the hardest part: knowing where you want to go.

Getting to a point of knowing where you want to go takes a lot of patience. It takes a lot of trial and error — in terms of exploring interests and whittling down the right path forward — and it requires a balance of conviction and blind ambition to take action towards the vision that has become as clear as it can be at the moment.

Then life can happen, and interests can change, and your vision must adapt and evolve, or you end up changing it completely. This ends up contradicting the answer you thought you concluded in coming to the point where you had an idea of knowing where you were heading.

This life happening variable and our own growth and self awareness over time, forces us to keep evolving, to keep iterating, and keep re-imagining what our vision and path forward is going to be. Sometimes that happens over the course of a year, sometimes it happens over the course of several years or even decades.

So I wish I could tell you there’s some silver bullet or formula that allows you to plug-in your interests and it spits out what you should focus on and where you should go, but that truly is not the case.

As you know the only constant is change, so the best thing to potentially do is explore your interests create a vision build off of what you’ve already accomplished in the past and build your best calculated path forward. 

I recommend plotting that vision out on paper, by networking with people already doing what you’re envisioning to do, by reading books and researching more about a topic that can help your vision.All of this is design thinking, which allows you to collect as much primary and secondary research to map out what accomplishing your vision might look like before having to invest too much time, effort, and money simply to find out if it’s the path for you. Then you can determine, to a certain degree, if it’s worth pursuing full tilt. 

***Upcoming Events / UpdatesNick Venturella music performances:The Cider Farm8216 Watts RdMadison, WIFri. April 24, 20205:30pm - 7:30pm 

Have a great weekend ahead!Sincerely,Nick VenturellaCreative