
It's worth the effort if you care about it

Here in southern Wisconsin, where I live, it's the first snowfall of December 2016.It was a steady, picturesque snowfall throughout most of the day. The kind of snowfall that helps put you in the holiday spirit.I hope your Sunday is going well? Hit reply and tell me about it.There is something about this time of year...maybe it's that people want to experience the magic of the holidays so they believe in it just a bit more than they do the rest of the year.If so, it seems to be contagious and people are more willing to give and go out of their way for others.Why can't that happen throughout the year?We're still all people suffering from the same human condition the rest of the year.Sometimes thinking about why kindness isn't as present the rest of the year as it is during the holidays makes me question whether or not I should continue pursuing the endeavors I do.If I allow myself to get into too much of a rut with this kind of thinking it can turn into negative self-talk that sounds like this...What's the point?Is any one even paying attention?What makes you think you have something of value to share with others?Does this kind of self-talk ever infect you?(Perhaps, some of this thinking comes in part as a result of working on my AutismHR project...I'm at a hard part building out some additions to the site that I will soon launch and I'm getting down because I really want to push through and get to the other side of this section of the work, but there's no shortcut other than doing the work.)But the truth be told, if the endeavors you pursue are helping you be a better person because you gain happiness from it, and your happiness ends up becoming contagious to those closest to you, then you need to find a way to keep doing it.You can read more about it here.Then you can bring that positive spirit of love and happiness with you where ever you go -- all year long.I hope you have a great week!Sincerely,Nick Venturella