12-23-18 - Time to get your house in order

Time to get your house in order

Well, the year is fast approaching its end.

Hopefully, you’re finished with your holiday shopping and the stress it can bring. 

The gifts are nice, but not nearly as lovely as being together with those you care about and who care about you. You just never know how often you’ll all be able to see one another.

December always moves my brain into a reflective mode to think about and look back on the year. How about you?

I look at what I’m grateful for, what I feel good about having accomplished, and where I would like to take things in the year to come.

What do you reflect on this time of year? Do you spend any time reflecting on the year?  What are you grateful for? What are you most proud of this year? What do you hope for in the new year?  Hit reply and let me know. I love to know what you’re up to.

As for me…I’m grateful for my family. As a dad, I’m realizing that my kids won’t be little forever, and while in many ways I’m grateful for that, I also know that many of the little joys are fleeting moments that I don’t want to take for granted. 

I’m grateful for my wife; for having a partner to share these experiences with, both the peaks and valleys. 

I’m grateful for good friends, and creative outlets that help me emotionally navigate this life.

I’m grateful for you journeying with me, even if only in this newsletter. You’ve helped create a space where I feel more like myself than I can in most other places, and my hope is that some of what I share brings value to you too (perhaps in some small way). We’re all better together.

I’m excited for where things are going too. We’re going to do some great things together in 2019.

In 2018 I felt I needed to get back to the basics of being my true self. We all put on various facades for whatever reason — at work, at home, with friends, in your life’s highlight reel on Facebook/Instagram, and even with ourselves.

Unfortunately, being someone other than yourself, even a little bit, in those various settings, erodes your authentic self. While I’m not fully where I want to be yet, I spent much of this year working toward being me in all aspects of my life, and my gut instinct is that I’m moving myself in the right direction. 

That said, I encourage you to take a bit of time this holiday season and simply write down what it truly means for you to be yourself all day, everyday, in every situation you find yourself in. 

It might take a few sessions of hanging out with yourself to articulate something in writing. It doesn’t have to be long or fancy prose, but physically jotting down what it means to be you — your best you, your most energized version of you — is important.

Keep that piece of writing handy, and at least once a month, if not more often, read it to yourself and reflect for a moment when you do about whether or not the way you’re living and being present with others is a true representation of your ideal self. 

If not, identify where you can improve. Then re-read it again next month and take mental note of your progress.

Over time, you’ll notice the difference. You’ll feel the difference. Others may even comment on the positive difference they experience. Success in various ways will begin to find you at home, in your work, in your entrepreneurial endeavor, with your friends and others you encounter.

Your life is bigger than your individual experiences, but if you can get your own “house in order” you’ll be in a better position to positively affect others’ “houses” whether you intend to or not.

Have wonderful holiday season and safe and happy new year!Sincerely,Nick