
 Strengthen relationships with your writingÂ

I am a big proponent of writing every day. Even if that means only spending five minutes writing. That's better than spending no minutes writing.Often, what I like to do is read a book I have an interest in or a magazine, perhaps an entrepreneurial magazine, and simply read an article or a couple pages prior to starting my writing for the day in my journal. What happens is the act of reading, at least for me, gets me into the writing mindset, and focused on words.After reading for short amount of time I tend to transition into writing more easily. In some ways reading just before writing acts as a prompt for my writing, even if what I write about has nothing to do with what I read.I'm telling you this because writing on a regular basis allows you to come up with interesting and creative ideas, so many in fact that you likely cannot execute on all of those ideas.However, with all of those ideas you might be able to connect the dots for others in your personal and professional network. In other words, perhaps some of those ideas can be useful for others you know who could execute on them or capitalize on them even if you think you cannot.Why share these ideas?Because the more you help others in your network to be successful the more they will in turn want to help you be successful when you find yourself in need of their help. Here is a blog post that further highlights a practical application of this networking idea I hope you have a great week!Sincerely,Nick Venturella