
How is Your Generosity Marketing Strategy

How often do connect with others in a professional setting to genuinely help them with no expectation of anything in return?If you're a B2B professional this is a great way to build a referral pipeline.  What I mean is, you may not know exactly how or when one of your connections is going to reciprocate your helping them but by being 'that generous guy or gal' it will absolutely come back to you in spades.By building up a wealth of connections who you truly care about, believe in and want to see be successful you will find that positive business opportunities will loop back to find you.In fact, that's the whole idea behind the name of my marketing services, GrowLoop:  as you grow your business and your network in a way that genuinely helps others without any expectation of something in return you'll find that you will be rewarded in ways you won't expect -- both personally and professionally.  The more of those connections, and good deeds, you're able to provide the more unexpected successes will find you.I came across this article by James Altucher on LinkedIn about Robbie Abed who has 250 coffee meetings a year to network with others and introduce his connections to one another for their benefit -- not his, but it does end up benefitting him.  However, it's not a one for one ratio.  Then I read a post by Garin Ectheberry, which Altucher referenced in his article.  Ectheberry documents his activities of helping others, which is great to read about. You can read it here.I definitely recommend you check out those articles/posts listed above. In the spirit of gratitude and Thanksgiving, I encourage you to pay forward the many, or even the few, times others have been generous to you by helping someone in your network out without any expectation for reciprocation. It could just be an introduction to someone else in your network who you think would benefit them or even some free ideas about a topic you may have experience with that they're struggling doesn't have to be much.Also, if you haven't stopped by GrowLoop recently, I encourage you to check it out.  I've updated the website with a new look and feel and some additional services.  I'm doing my best to humanize my client's online marketing efforts by providing them hand-crafted digital marketing assistance.
