
 The impact of experiencesÂ

I'm writing today's newsletter from Stout's Island Lodge in Birchwood, WI (north of Madison about a 3.5 hour drive). Stout's Island Lodge is literally on an island, well, two islands really. It's about 12 acres of wooded northern Wisconsin wilderness not far off the mainland shores of Red Cedar Lake near Rice Lake, WI. Why am I at this remote cabin resort? Well, I'm here for a wedding. My brother's actually, but that's not what I want to talk about.I want to talk about this place. Specifically, the experience of it. Why? Because experiences are one of the last unique forms of marketing that can make a lasting impression on your clients who then will share those experiences (good or bad) with their friends and colleagues.The experience here at Stout's Island Lodge has been impressive. The grounds are a lovely wooded scene, the cabins are rustic looking but by no means are you roughing it (electricity, running water, heat, in-room gas fireplace), great food and all around wonderful service. That's an experience I will remember and one I will feel compelled to share with others, like you.How can you create lasting, positive experiences in your business or in the way you interact with people at your office? I guarantee you, if they're positive, memorable experiences they will be talked about and passed on via word of mouth, which is one of the most organic and trusted forms of marketing.Here's an example of what I'm talking about:So how can I create a memorable experience if I'm a freelance writer? First deliver quality work. Be prompt and responsive in your interactions (in other words, be professional - you'd be surprised how many don't even do that). While your final project may be delivered online, upon completion of the project compose a hand-written thank you note that you send via snail mail to your client showing gratitude for the opportunity to work with them. The experiences you create don't have to be elaborate, just thoughtful and genuine.Make it a great week!Thank you for your time and attention. Nick Venturella