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- NickVenturella.com 10-22-21 - Why?
NickVenturella.com 10-22-21 - Why?
I’m finally reading Simon Sinek’s Start with Why book.
I’ve read several excerpts, seen his famous TEDTalk, and read his book philosophy (he would say, it’s biology) referenced in many articles and other publications.
Part of the reason I’m reading it now (besides it being on my list of books to read anyway) is that at Eleven we -- my two other business partners and I -- are embarking on a leadership curriculum to help us move our business forward with purpose towards success.
What I’m finding interesting as I read it is the parallel between Sinek’s WHY and the basis of Customer Marketing/Advocacy -- a customer-centric marketing discipline I spend tons of time on in my full-time job.
So I guess I’m just sharing a personally fun, "aha" moment, I had…
In summary, Sinek suggests that whatever you endeavor to do, you should understand why you’re doing it. In other words, what’s the purpose behind what you’re doing/pursuing for you, and those your endeavor might touch/serve.
By understanding your WHY and being able to clearly articulate it, you provide a proverbial hook for others who identify with, and align with, your WHY to hang their hat on.
How this is a parallel to Customer and Advocate Marketing is that in Customer Marketing building a community of customers rallying around a cause or purpose is key to scale the ability to cultivate customers who are poised to become advocates of your brand. Not because they’re asked to or potentially rewarded to, but because they truly admire, and feel a sense of belonging to, what the brand represents. Such advocates love your brand and want to share it with others.
Purpose, shared connection, a sense of belonging...as social creatures, these are all fundamental human desires. It’s how company cultures are positively grown. It’s how sports fanatics bond together to root for their favorite team.
When groups come together in positive ways to share a common purpose and bond their collective enthusiasm is infectious and contagious. This is what I call, “collective purpose inertia” -- basically a positive momentum with a network effect.
This is just some interesting human psychology to think about and pay attention to in your day-to-day life, and if you come across a situation or a group that you can’t identify their WHY or your own WHY for being a part of it, then it might be time to re-evaluate your participation in that endeavor.
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Stay positive. Stay healthy. Be kind.Sincerely,Nick VenturellaCreative Professional, andco-founder of Eleven Music Career CenterNickVenturella.comnickVmusic.netnickVguitars.comFacebookYouTube