1-22-19 - How are you transforming

How are you transforming

I finished my fourth book so far this year, and we're still in January. This is a first for me...Okay, I admit, three of the four were audio books that I listened to at night before bed and while running on a treadmill. Nonetheless, I’ve been absorbing information left and right.

Why should you care? 

Well, you don’t have to care about what I’m reading as much as the fact that I’m taking action to gain knowledge, to act on that knowledge, and create a transformation in my life. 

That transformation, may be worth caring about.

I just finished reading (an actual physical book), Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks, by August Turak, and one of the key takeaways, among many, was that most people are seeking a transformation in their lives. 

Often, people want an epiphany that leads to an obvious transformation, or a defining moment that after which one’s life is put into perspective and a clear path forward is revealed. 

This sort of thinking is like waiting for your purpose in life to simply fall in your lap. I think that’s why many people get sucked into get-rich-quick products via info-mercials — they’re looking for a shortcut to a positive, life-altering transformation.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your mindset, real transformation into your true authentic self often doesn’t happen that way. For many, like me, it’s a slow and evolving process of building a relationship with yourself over time; trying to improve to be a better person each day.

I’m working on this by reading as many books that inspire me as possible and taking action on what I read; incorporating concepts that align with my values and acting on them to make a more positive impact today than yesterday.

I’m journaling to engage with my thoughts, emotions, and inspirations regularly. This helps me understand who I was yesterday, who I am today, and who I hope to be tomorrow.

I’m realizing more than ever that community, in its many expansive definitions and applications, is important to help drive one’s authenticity — playing a part in a community/team/group leads to a sense of purpose bigger than oneself, which makes it easier to sacrifice for the good of the community when there is trust that all others in that group are doing the same.

I’ve always known that doing your best in whatever you do is important even if you aren’t thrilled by the task at hand. Your ability to do the task with excellence is the reputation that precedes you for the desirable opportunity that you do want later on.  While I’ve known this and have tried to live this, I feel a renewed sense of commitment to this idea.How are you transforming?Even if you're not actively working toward an authentic, positive transformation, you're transforming and evolving everyday. How will you choose to use what you learn?  Hit reply and let me know. You're not alone in your journey.

By the way, if you want to know what I read in 2018, here's the list. 

***Upcoming EventsEleven's first musician cohort launchJanuary 29, 2019(This is exciting. Our Eleven team is working with our first cohort of musicians to launch our music business center idea, helping DIY musicians learn how to grow their fan base and income.)Nick Venturella performances: (more are coming)Mama D's Coffee104 W Main St.Wales, WI 53183​262-968-3500Saturday March 30, 201911am - 1pm​​Yahara Bay Distillers6250 Nesbitt Road #200Fitchburg, WI 53719608-275-1050Friday May 17, 20197:30pm - 9:30pm
