1-21-18 - what you value = your success plan

What You Value = Your Success Plan

Is what you value actually your success plan?

Human, Self-knowledge, Alignment, Action, Patience, Success

Those words and concepts are what I’m trying to infused into every aspect of what I do from music I create to marketing work I provide for others to my website and this Investors newsletter…

Here’s how it breaks down… 

HumanBe human. In this case, that means having strength in being vulnerable because humans are vulnerable creatures despite what some may have you believe. Because humanity can be fierce, be vulnerable enough to be kind to your fellow humans.

Self-Knowledge You can't begin a journey toward success (whatever success means to you) without understanding who you are, what you value, your strengths and weaknesses and how those fit together to be applied to the world so you can get where you want to go.

HOW: Have a daily practice to get to know yourself. I recommend a daily journal to capture your ideas and emotions as well as what you think about various experiences and activities you engage in.Overtime, your journal writing will have collected an inventory of what you like and don't like; what you're good at and not so great at, which is invaluable information. 

Alignment Understanding your strengths is one thing but then aligning them to pursuits that are a good fit for your strengths is what focuses your energy and attention to a path that allows you the most success in the shortest time frame (however, I’m not talking about getting rich quick here, I’m talking about success over a number of years…yes, it takes time).

HOW:  As you continue to gain self-knowledge, which you should always do because your tastes and interests will grow and change over time, you decide to take action in certain directions that test your hypothesis...Here's what I mean:  Given what you know about yourself if you take X actions it will result in Y. Then you analyze those results. Did you like the action you took? Did you like the result?Evaluate your findings to narrow the scope of your next actions to align better with the new self-knowledge you just gained.Action It is no secret that to reach your goals you have to do something.Making the decision every day to take action to execute on your ideas and pursuits in a way that aligns with your strengths then learning which next actions to take and taking them, is crucial to move you forward toward your success.Nothing can be achieved without action.PatiencePatience is a virtue...sure. I like to refer to it as a discipline. Call it delayed gratification if you will.I think of it as a hard learned discipline because humans are not born patient. To humble one's self is to be patient.However, if you can consistently do the work of being a strong, vulnerable human who improves her/his self-knowledge and aligns your actions with that knowledge to continue learning and pursuing various endeavors and fulfillments in your life then over time you will reap the reward -- success. ...But the idea here is time. You have to humble yourself to do the work involved over some length of time to reach success...that takes patience. 

SuccessSuccess is the feeling of personal accomplishment and fulfillment. You might measure this in money or how many fulfilling accomplishments you've achieved, or the time your success allows you to spend with loved ones, or perhaps it's some combination of all those things.Regardless of how you define success for yourself be sure that you're conscious of that definition -- your definition --  and recognize your successes as you experience them.Being grateful for your success, and the people and experiences involved in achieving that success is extremely important. It is what helps you recognize when you actually have success.True, sustained success is actually being able to identify, and be grateful for, the small victories that happen over time in your day to day life. String enough of those victories together and you can sustain success for a lifetime.What values are guiding your success path? Hit reply and let me know.Have a great week!