
Happy New Year - 2016

I hope you are well. I have missed connecting with you via our weekly newsletter.

I'm still a little crazy busy with our new baby (he's now 7 months old) and our six-year-old, however, I'm itching to get back to writing and connecting with you regularly.

What better time to start fresh and reconnect then with a new year.

I am anxious to share some of my thoughts and ideas about how I plan to make this your successful, and I hope you do the same.

Just like you, I am in business to earn money for the value I provide, so periodically I will share links to affiliate products I believe in that could also help you. Should you purchase those products I will receive a commission.

However I plan to offer quite a bit of free value via my blogs and this newsletter.

As many of you know, my main gig is that I work as a marketer, but I am also an entrepreneur with various side businesses that bring in a helpful income.

That entrepreneurial spirit is alive and kicking inside me, as it is for many of you too.

One of my big goals this year is to have my entrepreneurial endeavors bring in enough income to help support the mortgage I just took on as my family just bought a new home right before the holidays.

calls this mortgage math -- what amount of income do you need to generate from your business to help pay your mortgage each month?

I love this idea because it puts my goals into very practical terms that help keep me motivated to reach them.

What are some of your goals this year?

Feel free to hit reply and let me know. I want to ensure I'm covering topics that are relevant to you to help you be successful this year.

Thank you for your patience during my hiatus. I value you and definitely want to know what you've been up to over the last 6 months. Hit reply and catch me up!

Thank you,