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Updates from GrowLoop coaching & marketing - Blog Contents:   

  What is the point of goal setting? By Anonymous on Jul 27, 2012 06:19 pm   ...  Read in browser »       Which social networks guarantee success? By Anonymous on Jul 23, 2012 09:40 am   _I often get asked which social networking platforms a solopreneur should focus their energy on for their digital marketing strategy. Well, that's kind of a personal question.  Not that I'm embarrassed to share, but rather the answer is personal because it depends on who you are trying to reach and engage with (your target audience), where you're most apt to find them (which social networks ...  Read in browser »       Why you are not motivated to reach your goal By Anonymous on Jul 18, 2012 02:01 am   Do you have an iPhone? Okay, perhaps a better question is:  who doesn't have an iPhone? I happen to use an iPhone, and for others who carry that little pocket-sized computer every where they go you may not realize it, but you have a powerful coaching tool, literally at your fingertips. In particular, an app that comes with the iPhone. The Reminders app. (I'll come back to this)When I coach GrowLoop clients the proc ...  Read in browser »       Two approaches to your forward progress By Anonymous on Jul 03, 2012 09:20 am   From the book, Coaching for Leadership (affiliate link), Dave Ulrich and Jessica K. Johnson 'Demystifying the Coaching Mystique' in chapter 5 of the book.  Something they point out that is extremely useful in my opinion as a coach and for those seeking coaching is identifying the focus of the coaching you seek...or knowing wha ...  Read in browser »       

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