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Updates from Digital Marketing Coach | GrowLoop | Nick Venturella Contents:   

  The sure-fire approach to social media marketing By admin on Apr 24, 2012 08:37 am   I really recommend using digital marketing and social media for your local business to help promote and amplify your brand online, to help drive online engagement with your website and, as a bonus, bring some more sales to you. Where small businesses often get digital marketing wrong is:  digital marketing is not a silver bullet ...  Read in browser »       Being coachable can add to your success By admin on Apr 22, 2012 03:27 pm   I just read an article in Forbes by August Turak called, Are You Coachable? The Five Steps to Coachability. The article suggests there are five main traits that make someone coachable, and being coachable means you’re open to suggestions and new approaches to reach your objectives.  You’re always in control of your own choices, but ...  Read in browser »       The three parts of coaching that make it valuable By admin on Apr 16, 2012 08:00 am   The coaching process typically has three parts to it that make it valuable for coaching clients. They are: -Identification –Identify client’s strengths/assets/goals -Alignment –Create an action plan that aligns the client’s strengths and assets with a specific goal on a timeline -Accountability –Ensure the client completes the steps on their action plan to reach their ...  Read in browser »       Who to hire for your marketing needs By admin on Apr 05, 2012 10:41 pm   Interesting infographic about whether you should hire employees for your company’s marketing efforts or hire independent contractors for your marketing — Hire or Contract (from MavenLink). Essentially, what I took away was:  If you need work done quickly that is in a specific area of marketing it may be best to hire a contractor (free ...  Read in browser »       Scaling a solopreneur endeavor By admin on Apr 02, 2012 12:59 am   As a self-employed business owner — a one-person operation, a solopreneur if you will — saying you wear many hats is an understatement.  Not only are you the President and CEO, you’re also the CFO, COO, CIO, CMO, VP of Sales, Customer Service Director and all the workers bees that might exist under those titles ...  Read in browser »       

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