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Updates from GrowLoop coaching & marketing - Blog Contents:   

  3 Digital Marketing Trends for 2013 By Anonymous on Dec 24, 2012 08:54 am   Content - more but differentContent is still king, or perhaps I should say content is just still constant.  Creating valuable and relevant content on your blog and website for your specific target audience will remain extremely vital to your 2013 digital marketing plan.  This helps you to attract and retain your ideal clients and allows you to be found in search engines.  However, look to expand you ...  Read in browser »       How LinkedIn helps grow business By Anonymous on Dec 14, 2012 08:19 am   _How LinkedIn is helping businesses grow by Michael Stetzner (founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner)In this video I interview Lewis Howes, author of Linked Working. Lewis is a popular speaker and an expert on LinkedIn.Lewis shares how you can use LinkedIn for much more than just job search and how he is using LinkedIn to grow his ...  Read in browser »       

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