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Updates from Digital Marketing Coach | GrowLoop | Nick Venturella Contents:   

  GrowLoop Monthly Update – Nov. 2011 By admin on Nov 28, 2011 08:24 pm   I trust you had a happy Thanksgiving, and a good kickoff to the holiday season. Here are a few things I wanted to share with you in this monthly update (a lot of GrowLoop site updates for your benefit)… First, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, thank you to all who have been supportive of my ...  Read in browser »       Special discount on books By admin on Nov 28, 2011 07:58 pm   You may know that I’ve authored a music business book geared toward helping professional independent musicians pursue their goals with their music.  It’s called The Local Music Journey, and it’s full of useful self-promotion ideas and a ton of interviews with other professional musicians.  It’s available as a 227 page trade paperback book or an ...  Read in browser »       The obvious digital marketing tactic is often forgotten By admin on Nov 28, 2011 06:43 pm   Today’s Digital Marketing Monday post is simple.  Your email signature is an often overlooked digital marketing tactic. Think about it.  How many times to you email people throughout the day, the week, the month the entire year?  Every email can have a simply, non-intrusive bit of marketing in your email signature.  You’ll be surprised how ...  Read in browser »       A company with a GrowLoop in action By admin on Nov 28, 2011 12:00 am   I recently came across an article about a business that is doing something great to build their own GrowLoop.  GrowLoop is my term for good ethical business karma (and it happens to be the name of my business). Here’s how I describe GrowLoop: As you positively and ethically grow your creative business you will gain ...  Read in browser »       The gratitude mind shift – be thankful, be happy, pass it on By admin on Nov 23, 2011 08:24 pm   Today, I read an article in the Wisconsin State Journal about the psychology of gratitude. Explained in the article was a study that had subjects keep a daily “gratitude journal” of people, events and other things for which they were thankful.  The idea was to measure the effect of keeping such a journal on one’s ...  Read in browser »       When push comes to shove, pull marketing wins By admin on Nov 21, 2011 03:51 am   For today’s Digital Marketing Monday post I wanted to simply establish why digital marketing strategies pull customers into you, rather than you pushing a message out to a mass audience and being ignored. First, no one, in general, wants to be marketed to.  If you’ve noticed, these days you often want sign up on an ...  Read in browser »       What’s Coaching By admin on Nov 21, 2011 03:21 am   Coaching empowers clients with a shift in perspective that comes as a result of asking insightful questions. If ever you’ve had an epiphany as a result of someone asking the right question, you’ll get coaching. Have you ever answered a question asked of you and realized your own answer provided the empowering “aha” moment you ...  Read in browser »       The digital marketing vs. social media marketing difference By admin on Nov 14, 2011 12:37 pm   I’m starting something a bit new here at the GrowLoop blog.  I’ll see how it’s received to determine if I keep it going each week, but I’m starting Digital Marketing Monday. #DigitalMarketingMonday, will be the hashtag for Twitter searches.  Digital Marketing Mondays will offer a short post, usually some sort of tip or bit of ...  Read in browser »       High touch digital marketing By admin on Nov 07, 2011 02:29 am   Just the other day I had coffee with a career coach friend of mine, and I was telling her that lately I’ve been feeling a good sense of momentum building around my marketing efforts for my own digital marketing coach business.  The ironic thing is that the traction I feel I’ve been gaining from my ...  Read in browser »       

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