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Updates from Digital Marketing Coach | GrowLoop | Nick Venturella Contents:   

  GrowLoop Monthly Update – Dec. 2011 By admin on Dec 29, 2011 08:58 pm   Well, we’re closing out 2011, the last 6 months of which has been a great start to the GrowLoop adventure.  I can’t believe GrowLoop has been up and  running for a full 6 months – it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long, however, in some ways it seems like it has to have been ...  Read in browser »       Is social media a waste of time or the key to your business marketing success? By admin on Dec 22, 2011 12:29 pm   On the Inc. Magazine website there was recently an article posted called, Social Media is a Waste of Time.  The article posed the question of whether or not small businesses using social media in their marketing mix was a waste of time or not. The key point of the article is that social media as ...  Read in browser »       How creative professionals overcome the 3 biggest progress killers By admin on Dec 21, 2011 12:24 pm   What’s a progress killer?  You know, those often self-sabotaging cycles we find ourselves in where our forward progress doesn’t seem to be moving forward, yet you can’t quite put your finger on why. How do you push past progress killers?  By recognizing them, committing to do something about them and persevering past them. Perfectionism Have ...  Read in browser »       Social media spokes lead to the center of the wheel – your website By admin on Dec 19, 2011 12:24 pm   It’s staggering to me how many entrepreneurial creative professionals don’t own and operate their own website.  Many simply use one of the various free social media platforms as if it were their website. Here’s why it’s important to control your own web presence.  Yes, most social media platforms are free, but most domain and hosting ...  Read in browser »       Quantify your progress By admin on Dec 14, 2011 12:38 pm   I often encourage others to measure their progress toward their desired goals.  For example, I tell my clients to identify a large main goal – something that is big enough to work toward over the next 6 months, year or two years.  From there, the client is pushed to think of major milestones along the ...  Read in browser »       Surviving and thriving in the arts By admin on Dec 12, 2011 08:49 pm   I just read a blog post by Gary Bolyer, a landscape painter in New York.  Bolyer’s post, Why Some Artists Will Almost Certainly Thrive and Prosper in the New Economy, offered some great insight into what it will take for just about anyone to thrive in today’s economy.  Specifically, Bolyer mentions several contributing factors to how ...  Read in browser »       Digital marketing tip: Don’t just post, participate By admin on Dec 12, 2011 12:03 pm   Here’s a tip, especially for those who are new to social media: While you will likely use social media as an avenue to promote your posts (to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc), social media is not only about posting what you have to say or promote, but it’s also for engagement and participation. Specifically, I’m talking ...  Read in browser »       Reasons to hire a coach from Duct Tape Marketing By admin on Dec 09, 2011 01:54 pm   I just came across a post about the benefits of hiring a coach from John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing and The Referral Engine (Amazon affiliate links). Jantsch highlights the fact that he and his Duct Tape Marketing organization has coached many small business owners and they have trained many coaches to help other ...  Read in browser »       Once, tweet, three times daily By admin on Dec 05, 2011 11:58 am   When using Twitter, even if you don’t follow all that many people, you likely have experienced various tweets quickly appearing in your stream and disappearing just as quickly. A lot of activity happens on Twitter and it happens relatively fast.  That said, if you tweet something that you hope will be seen by your Twitter ...  Read in browser »       

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