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GrowLoop eNewsletter

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Hi , Happy new year -- I know it's a little late in January for "happy new year" greetings, but this is my first opportunity to share that sentiment with you since last we connected.I hope your marketing efforts for 2013 are off to a good start, and if you haven't had much of a start just yet don't get discouraged there is plenty of year ahead.  The trick is to just start, and if you feel you’ve already had a false start this year, vow to start again, and again as many times as it takes -- that’s how progress happens.As the GrowLoop brand and community blossoms and evolves I'm constantly getting better at communicating my intentions and the value of my GrowLoop endeavor, which is why I want to share a few things with you that I'm excited about this year.First, and GrowLoop's been doing this all along but I've become more comfortable articulating it...  GrowLoop's coaching, design and digital marketing services aim to simplify branding and digital marketing concepts and strategies that often overwhelm businesses and professionals, especially those solopreneurs wearing all hats in their operation.  GrowLoop is now doing a better job of showcasing and presenting that value.  The lesson here is this:  the more clear and concisely you can convey your value the easier it is for your target audience to say, "yes" to buying from you.Second, just as GrowLoop is getting better at quickly educating its audience about its value I've realized that I need to raise my rates -- not astronomically -- my prices are still fair for the value provided.  Beginning January 1, 2013 my prices have increased.  What's the lesson here? Well, you can't really be in business if your expenses are more than your income, that's really it on that one.  You can check out some of my new coaching packages and pricing here.Speaking of new products and services, I’ve added some new coaching services: LinkedIn coaching and Weebly Website coaching.Finally, GrowLoop is currently working on developing several projects this year that will provide great value at a good price. The first couple projects include a coaching course to help professionals simplify their digital marketing strategy to generate more leads/sales, and an ebook on how you can profit from developing a quality company brand.  Let me know what your biggest marketing challenge you wish to overcome in 2013 is, and what your biggest accomplishment in 2012 was (you can hit reply and let me know).Thanks,Nick Venturella, CPCOwner & Certified Professional CoachGrowLoop - coaching, design, digital marketingMadison, WI (864) 256-0588 [email protected]